1. "Oh yeah"? (image of the Kool-Aid man if he had been molested as a child)
2. She's not really enjoying that
3. I guess that sounds real though. Acting is hard. If she's not enjoying that, what is she really enjoying in her life? It's sex, you know? Kudos to her for just doing that. Just coming to that realization and going for that. Fake it till you make it, girl (it=enjoying life).
4. Isn't that what fucking is really about?
5. Isn't it weird that in reality, it is not about anything like this scenario at all, though?
6. But I guess, what is reality?
7. Thanks again for that, porn.
On that note, does anyone else feel alienated when they look at bondage porn? Those people always look like they have no idea what they're doing. Just completely confused by life, and trying and failing so hard at figuring it out. I'll tell you one thing I think is completely immoral is reminding people of the strong possibilty that existence is futile. So I guess they win for being subversive in that complete sucker-punch of a way alone, but in the end they lose for being jerks.

What's wrong with you? Seriously. You seem so afraid of bondage, and address it as strange, but have you ever tried it. It's amazing. Go read some Dan savage then come back and blog. Or go have sex.
the point is: don't let Bondage tell you how to bondage. It is strange when everyone wears the same arbitrary, kind of ugly sex costume. And then when you think about it long enough you realize it really isn't that strange, but then your understanding of sex/selfhood becomes arbitrary and kind of ugly. Isn't it interesting how those drives and conclsuions are antithetical? Or are they? Kind of like how personal sexual expereince and the body-as-universal are antithetical. Or are they? If only someone would write a book about it. Also: have we met? Or are we internet sex-theory foes?
Also: nerd
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