Saturday, November 17, 2007

Funny Names

In case you haven’t seen this video yet of Katie Couric self-consciously imitating the Youtube video of Dan Rather:

I would like it better if she didn’t seem like a teen who really wants to get caught shoplifting, but you have to admit this video is weird in a way that would give Baudrillard like five boners. And then render him obsolete.
Speaking of the postmodern condition (and when aren’t we over here at the MC), I want to share with you all an observation that Nick made during one of our intellectual discussions, or “salons” as I like to call them, about Lyotard:
“That dude’s name is Lyotard.”
Here’s another one to point out: 16th-century writer and translator Hieronymus Boner.
Now is the time to make the MC your homepage, if you haven't already.


Nick said...

I rendered Baudrillard obsolete one time. What I did was smoked pot and watched TV. Also, I got a BA.

Nick said...

Also: Peter Gay's standard translation of Nietzsche and Freud have made for a lot of papers that include "translated as 'creativity is the soul dancing in chains' (Gay 100)."

Nick said...

In this paper, I will draw on Lyotard, Boner, and Gay, to show how the sublime can "shatter the conscious like a crystal" (Gay).

Anonymous said...

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Liz said...

My case study for examining the Gay/Lyotard sublime will be the stunning canvases of Larry Poons.

Nick said...

Habermas's middle name was ButtAIDS