Saturday, May 5, 2007

So Hot Right Now: Penises

This has been a great week for penises, which were coming up all over the headlines.
1) Ducks have always creeped MC out (Scrooge McD excepted), and knowing now that they are savage rapists with crazy penises is just the last piece of the puzzle.
2) This reviewer of a book about impotence proposed a gender utopia in which manhood is predicated on being good at crosswords. If our options are that or cyborgs, let's go with cyborgs.
3) Christopher Hitchens talked cryptically about his dick, and also referred to himself in the third person. And has a scary face.
4) Finally, in the LRB, Colm Toibin reviewed Ian McEwan’s penis. I heard it’s kinda ornate and affected.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's a better image of the duck dick here: