Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Cruisin' for Justice

This Nation Cruise ad/concept blows my mind in the same way as that Chase Freedom ad with the technofied version of the Rolling Stones’ “I’m Free” playing in the background. My initial conclusions were: 1) words don’t have meaning; 2) neither does anything; 3) the 60s are a collective April Fools' joke, made up by our parents to play on their children, that went too far. Then I realized I am going to be buying this cruise for my parents someday, and in a strange way, the joke has come full circle.
Here’s an epilogue (or prologue??) to Nick’s “An Historical Reenactment”:
An empty room. A technofied version of “I’m Free” begins to play, alongside projected images of Iraq, Woodstock, the World Bank, and Katrina Vanden Heuvel talking about blowjobs on the Colbert Report. Liz enters, looks around, pauses, and then cautiously backs out.

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