Friday, May 11, 2007

Create Your Own

In my neighborhood café today, I overheard a man place the following order:
“Can I have two slices of whole wheat bread to go?” then adding as an afterthought: “and can you put some peanut butter and some jelly on them?”
We even have a name for that.
I have been puzzling over this for hours, and all I could come up with is that being a grown man, he was embarrassed to just order a PB&J, but his desire for one was too intense to be repressed. To this I can only say: well played, sir.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Maybe he was hoping that they'd only charge him for the bread. I've totally seen people order the version of something that comes without something, and then say, "oh, and can you just throw some x in there too?" Actual examples would doubtless be helpful here, but I can't remember what it was. Whatever you're ordering, that's one classy move.