Monday, September 8, 2008

“Who’s That Lady?” : Sarah Palin Edition

You heard it here first, ‘net fans: John McCain has chosen a woman (!) named Sarah Palin (pronounced Pöul-ee-in) to join him on the Republican ticket.

Everyone seems to have just accepted this news like it was no big deal and moved on. But here at the MC, we like to cut through conventional wisdom and glossy surfaces to get to the true heart of the matter, because that is what journalism really is, assholes. I know because I’ve been to J-School.

"So who is this Sarah Palin character, and what state was she governor of, anyway?" You are probably asking yourselves. Well, I did some research and dug up a thing or two about this “first lady” of American politics. (Fun fact: Palin is the first lady to take part in American politics.) Ms. Palin was governor of Alaska, which was one of the last places in the world to become a state, followed only by Hawaii and a few other “newbies.” The Alaskan state flower is the Forget-Me-Not, which you can find pictures of on the internet.

So, ladies, it’s time to think back to Susan B. Anthony, Martha Washington, Marie Curie, and all the other heroes of ancient times who fought so that women could have the right to drive, be presidents of their local clubs and organizations, and to dress how we want, when we want. (History? More like herstory! If you know what I mean.) This reminds me of one of my all-time favorite quotes: “This is ladies’ night, and the feel is right / This is ladies' night, oh what a night (oh what a night).” Also, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants II. Ladies, if your feel is right, then take that feel to the polls come December. Or, if your husband is the one who makes the political decisions in your household, put on your prettiest top and ask him to vote for Sarah Palin for President. Because I have a dream, to borrow from a popular quote, that together we can make every night Ladies' Night for America. Amen.


Nick said...

UPDATE: A lot of people are saying that when Sarah Palin becomes president women will finally be able to wear men's shirts with short skirts, color their hair, and do what they dare. THIS IS AN UGLY RUMOR NAD THESE SMEARS NEED TO STOP.

Springer said...

My name's Pitt and that's some funny ass shit.