Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Best of the 'Net

Those of you who’ve been following Weezy these past few months (aka the entire internet) might have noticed that he has been learning guitar. And from the sound of it, his teacher is the lovechild of a threeway between Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, and an angel. (It starts about 3 min 40 sec in):

Here is the conversation he had with his producers before that SNL taping:

Lil Wayne: I was thinking I would do a little shredding tonight at the end of “Lollipop.”
Producer: Oh…cool. But don’t you think that might detract from your vocals?
Lil Wayne: No, I’ll just concentrate really hard on my guitar playing. I learned how to play a D chord today, so I think I might play some notes from that. Probably at least two notes, maybe even three depending how it goes.
Producer: Great! [Aside to other producer] Just turn up his monitor so he thinks he’s loud.

I’m starting to suspect Lil Wayne might be the genius behind those genius shredding videos.

I bet he’s also secretly the "One Bank" guy.

I still think that guy is funnier than Russell Brand. Then again, I still think irony is funnier than satire.

So sue me!!

That reminds me, the MC is starting a Marmaduke caption contest. Winner gets a free subscription to Men's Vogue, as well as a lifetime of glory, obvs.

1 comment:

Nick said...

"The dog you worship is dead. He's been dead for days. "King"? I see no king."


"I'm gonna use this scene to start a short story."


"this feels like wife"