Tuesday, October 16, 2007

From the people that brought you The Millennial Crier

The success of the promo for Quarterlife in my heart was due, in most part, to how it seemed like it was written by aliens. I wanted in on the fun. I figured the people that brought you Thirtysomething are probably forty or fiftsomethings now, so i decided to turn the tables a bit and wrote my own hard-hitting, in your face, unbearably real drama called Bein' Moms and Dads from the perspective of someone who knows: me.

Natasha: Bein' 55 is so hard. I feel so alone.
Ethan: What do we do all day?
Sascha: What do we do at night?
Natasha: Do you ever wonder what we talk about when we're hanging out alone?
Ethan: I know, right?
Sascha: Do we find eachother sexually attractive? Does it work like that?
Natasha: We all have osteoperosis and that's difficult
Ethan: Let's watch Broadcast News on VHS
Sascha: But ER is on
Natsha: I love William Hurt
Ethan: I miss the war or something
Sascha: I miss the incomparable writing of Taxi
Natasha: You put my mailing address and home telephone number all over your rolodex!!

--cue Al Jolson song--

slow motion passionate embrace

All of the characters are played by Sela Ward

1 comment:

Liz said...

Given the abruptness of the transition from the carrier-pigeon-osphere to the blogosphere, I think fifty-somethings are handling things pretty well.