Thursday, September 27, 2007

War Babies

Where did people go to see babies being hilarious before the days of YouTube? Answer: War propaganda films. This one is called War Babies, and I especially recommend the last two minutes, where it reaches a whole new level of perviness (thank to Cora for the link).
Here’s how I imagine the writer trying to pitch his idea:
“Think Baby Geniuses meets Glory. It can’t miss.”
“You mean babies killing each other on the battlefield?”
“Hmm, I see the problem. What if we just showed them in a speakeasy before going off to fight?”
“You mean like getting belligerently drunk and making out with showgirls?”
“That’s more like it. Nothing objectionable or creepy there.”
“Let’s also have them fall over a lot.”

Things I learned:
1) Someone should get these babies acting coaches, or stage moms. They’re terrible.
2) War seems super cute and fun, I don’t get what all the fuss is about. They should make an Iraq War Babies (starring Dakota Fanning?), and people would have to support our troops. Maybe the war babies could even be played by fetuses (“Support our Troops and Life").


Nick said...

black babies were better dancers even 100 years ago! For the sake of the franchise, first release Iraq War Babies, THEN "If you thought that was cute you'll love 'Iraq War Baby Babies'." That's where the fetuses come into play.

Anonymous said...

Think Elle, not Dakota.