Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Here's some food for thought for our readers in the media studies department. I hope you're hungry.
"Tim Russert Sculpture"

"After hearing of Tim's death I felt compelled to somehow show my respect. This sculpture is a work in progress of a great man, son, father, journalist and American. My heart goes out to the friends and family members of Tim Russert."

In other political news, watch Eleanor Roosevelt tell a joke about murdering Japs.

Eleanor Roosevelt looks great, eh? And a voice like an insane, dying bird, eh? It's a shame the camera guy only got her balls in that shot, though.

(Her face looks like balls.)


Anonymous said...

oh, eight videos and three words? it must be nick posting. you call that blogging?


Anonymous said...

it's okay noel doesn't know how to read anyway, thanks for making him feel included.

Springer said...

Laughing out loud at work. Grrrreat.

Nick said...

I would just like to say to anonymous: yeah, I do call that blogging.

Contrary to what our banner would have you believe, it's 2008 and this is the internet, not Commetbus.