Monday, June 16, 2008

DADuuuuuh! II

My dad made a youtube about what rap music looks like to him:

Just a lot of bright colors and loud noises and young people wasting time.

This also seems like the kind of song/band a teenager on a sitcom would defy their parents over, in order to see them live in concert at the Central City Auditorium or Killer Lou's All Night Dance Club.
This reminds me, here are the concerts I'm excited about this summer:

The Murder Doggs, Freaky Freddie, Fresh Murder, The Crusty Maggots, Grungy and the Losers, Unprotected Sex Rave, Dr. Diss, Gangsta Teeth, Drugzapalooza, and Radiohead.
But where am I going to come up with $25?!?!?!!


and Tippy Toe, while you're at it. It's hot out.

I'm afraid to go to a party in the south.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I thought of how we can make that $25 to go see Zombie Smasher: we'll start an underground casino night in your parents' garage and flyer the whole high school. Just DON'T TELL MR. BELDING.

Also, your dad is right. Young people do waste a lot of time.