“Mildly Cheering Each Other On, Wearing Socks with Sandals” will be the title of my memoirs about growing up. Not to be confused with my memoirs about becoming the first woman astronaut.
Don’t get me wrong, next time I’m home I plan to ride this multi-passenger beer bicycle to every single event I attend. So if I make any plans with you, count on me showing up eight hours late and drunk. (Ma Nishtana, as my Jewish friends would say. Hi, Jewish friends!!)
Still, it will be tough to beat my last MN mass transit adventure, the light rail. Even if the light rail didn’t live up to Nick’s lofty expectations ("gliding on pure beams of light”), I would ride that legacy of Jesse Ventura any day.

And that, my friends, is what she said.
You may have been scooped on that memoir.
I'm really, really sorry.
Mmmm, now that's good satire.
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