Monday, January 7, 2008

France: Shaving its Head to Cover Up the Balding

If you're looking for more proof that France is going through the nation-state equivalent of a midlife crisis, and is committed to acting it out on the world stage while the rest of us awkwardly avert our eyes, check out Bernard-Henri Levy’s weird obituary for Bhutto .
They have killed a woman. A beautiful woman. A visible, indeed a conspicuously, spectacularly visible woman.

A woman who made a point not only of holding rallies in one of the world's most dangerous countries, but did so with her face uncovered, unveiled--the exact opposite of the shameful, hidden women, the condemned creatures of Satan, who are the only women tolerated by these apostles of a world without women.

Cool obit, BHL, for real…but maybe you should stick to writing books that explain the essence of America?
Oh wait, you suck at that.
Vive la republique!


Nick said...

we spend our internet time in different ways.

Lizzie said...
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