Julia Margaret Cameron: Babies acting sexy!
All of the 19th Century [heartily]: Agreed!

20th-century Man: I've invented a magical new medium called "sound cinema"! What shall we --
20th-century America: Babies acting sexy!
21st-century Scientist: I've invented a magical new medium called "Youtube"! What--
21st-century Global Village: Do you even have to ask?
My Dentist: Clearly I should hang up pictures of sexy cartoon bananas all over my waiting room. There's nothing people like better to look at when they are just waiting.

Cartoonists: Except for cartoon cats acting sexy. That image arose from our collective unconscious at some point and we've been reproducing it ever since, as if it's something that humans naturally and intuitively relate to.

People across Time: We are such weirdos.
Me [slowly backing out of room]: Agreed.
No peddies! (Also, no beasties.)
set peace
I had to add this link http://youtube.com/watch?v=VV2eq4oFYxE
by the way - "Me duele la popola" translates to "my popola hurts." And popola is slang for vagina.
- Erin
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