Monday, March 3, 2008

the battle rages on

I'm glad Carly Simon's son finally stepped up and addressed the question "Who's better: Snoop Dogg or Carly Simon's son?" head on. Check his sick new version of the radio edit of The Doggfather's latest single on his myspace:

oh, here's Carly Simon's son:

Isn't it cool when white people respect black people things? JK. Snoop Dogg isn't really a black person's thing. Isn't it cool when white people make jokes based on the assumption that they are clearly lamer than black people, and in doing so reveal how desperately they want to believe that some better, realer, cooler, not boring and lame way of life really does exist, even though we all secretly know it totally doesn't? Anyway, keep the dream alive and give a listen to Carly Simon's son! I'd here like to point out a similar structure in my argument about why you should never actually fuck a butthole.

Hey! how about let's forget that.

This reminds me that I've been slipping on the MC's "Holler of the Week" feature. This week's top holler went a little something like this:
me: Ooo girl, you're looking like like a young Carly Simon tonight
girl: ....
The girl turned out to be a horse fetus.
(cause Carly Simon looks like a horse fetus.)

1 comment:

Piefinger said...

I would like to take this time to remind you that when we went to go get Indian food one time and I wore brown leather boots and a navy dress you told me I was dressed like a "young Carly Simon"

then you mused that Carly is so obviously a deaf girl's name.