Wednesday, July 25, 2007

sound off: Youtube debates (finally)

1. These guys are pros. This was a joy to watch. Remember the republican debates? Those made me feel like I was at a friend's improv show. Most of my friends are mean dads and only do improv with other mean dads, just so you know.
2. YouTube videos are embarrassing. Oh my god, you guys. You know.
3. The air of good intentions and everyone involved's eye-glint of "utopia is upon us and it feels great," was exciting, attractive, and sweet.
4. The big winner was John Edwards "Live Strong" bracelet.

I can get behind "Live strong: become President of the United States and end poverty" just as easily as I can "Live strong: win a bike race as an adult man," and it makes me want to do both.

My prediction: This election is going to be insanely fun, and then completely heartbreaking. In one way or another.

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