Who's singing? It's this:

What is that? It's Paul Shanklin...the Rush Limbaugh show's "man of many voices", and a constant source of political humor on Rush Limbaugh .
His impressions of Bill Clinton , Ross Perot, Al Gore, George W. Bush, Joe Lieberman and many others are heard nationwide by an audience of over 20 million. These impressions represent the pinnacle of conservative political humor on the radio
Here are my thoughts:
1) Seriously? Stop it. Seriously. Stop.
2) Who is singing back up harmony?
3) What are those people's lives like?
4) Am I racist for being pretty sure that Barack Obama is magic? Because from where I'm sitting all signs point to he's magic.
5) As a humorist, if, while writing your parody, one of your most pressing concerns is sourcing your lyrics so you sound less racist a) check yourself and b) check yourself again when you're practicing your stupid black voice.
6) I really think conservatives' a) complete inabilty to be funny and b) intense desire to be found funny (look into Ann Coulter more. You'll be surprised how much she REEAALLY wants people to think she's cool and funny. Above most other things.), is an important place to start looking at the differences between red and blue world views. I watch these things and I don't know what is going on. It's seriously like Japanese people. My hard-earned cultural literacy is proven wholly useless. I don't know what is happening for a second.
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