2.http://www.moller.com/ DON'T GIVE UP HOPE! This dream is like physical internet. All space: collapsed. All of the earth: at our fingertips. Culture as it has always been known: loses. Democracy/humanity: wins. SORRY CULTURE AS IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN KNOWN:( I feel like the myth that astronauts had any real purpose outside of being symbols of hope-cum-political tools was fully exposed when they played golf on the moon. Still, astronauts were great . The SkyCar should be the turn of the century astronaut, if not the turn of the century everything.

What would we do without this guy?
4. The Millennial Crier. Aren't you loving it? Me too*
5. The future loves you:
And it's funnier now

Doesn't this feel right? Capture this image, put your own hopes for the future in BO's speech bubble, and post it on your own blog. Suggestions: "Suffering no longer exists," "Everythings cool in Darfur," "Weed is legal," "Recess is extended and you can drink pop in class."
Don't throw away your zorkpods quite yet. The future is still on the horizon and it's looking good.
* still not that confident in my ability to recognize real love.
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