Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Genius of Love

If you like art that blatantly reinforces self-serving Romantic myths of artistic genius, you gotta try science that blatantly reinforces Romantic myths of artistic genius.

Click that link to see the scientific proof that all geniuses are solitary young men who just don't fit in cause no one understands.

Recently I did my own scientific study on The Spirit of History.


I found out it displaces 14 milliliters of water. Then I burned a peanut. In conclusion my hypothesis was proven correct and Garden State is the best movie and everyone secretly wants to be me.

Data section:


Liz said...
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Liz said...

The irony of that song is that Castro just resigned!
The other irony is crack.
Let me know if you ever want me to explain irony to you.

Nick said...

a funny thing to say after that song is "that really says it all."
Because he says everything.

Lesley said...

You should know that I just cited the Millenial Crier as a source during an American Colloquium. Liz can back me up. The MC is my favorite research resource.