Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dear 2007, By the time you read this note, you'll be dead. I will live on.

This is my recap of the year 2007, or, as I like to call it "The Year You Loved to Hate and Sometimes Hated So Deeply You Felt Nothing."
I'm choosing to recap you abstractly, 2007. Using the poetry of youtube to highlight your various tones and shapes and affects.
Like, remember how in many ways you were this:
2007: the year that slowly, unobtrusively moved either upward or downward and featured people saying words.

But 2007 wasn't all an abstraction of Meredith Viera and John Mayer talking in an elevator. It was a lot of other things. Remember how, in many ways, it was this:
This one highlights how you, 2007, were insane, and proved to us, people, that everything good dies.
Do you know why they killed that robot monkey? Fear, you guys. It was fear. What is so scary about a half-robot-half-monkey? Look one in the eye and tell me you see something you should fear:

Okay, back to 2007, abstractly!!!!!!!!!
Unless you lived under a rock this year, you can't forget:

Okay, this one represents how you, 2007, were kind of like something I've already done, only shittier. More accurately: it seemed shittier at first, but then I realized it was always kind of shitty.
Even the original "The Munsters"= not that good. In many ways, you, 2007, are the true spirit of that sentiment.

And finally, what would a recap of 2007 be without:

This, of course was filmed at "Club Penguin." A virtual world where 8 year olds interact with each other using self-created penguin avatars. Interestingly, I was recently told by an 8 year old that shyer 8 year olds are moving to Club Penguin Australia, because Club Penguin America is getting too crowded. Oh, 2007. That really says it all. You made no sense, were seemingly harmless, and kind of made me unomfortable for some reason.

So, goodbye 2007. It was real. As we embrace for the last time now, 2007, I can't help noticing the part of you that was totally
. You know, that might be the part about you I miss most, 2007. Of all the parts of you I'll miss after you die. Die the death you must, at this verymoment, be so frightened to die. In just a few short hours, 2007. Death. It is death for you.

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